- Call us: +371 277-297-71
- info@balticsport.lv
- Rīga, Mūkusalas iela 42E, A entrance
All sports
- Badminton
- Basketball TOP izvēle
- Baseball
- Combat sports
- Floorball
- Frisbee / Disc golf
- Goals 🥅
- Soccer goalkeeper clothing
- Goal nets
- Balls
- Protective gear
- Goalkeeper gloves
- Workout
- Footwear
- Clothing
- Sport bags
- Nails for soccer shoes
- Table tennis 🏓
- Handball
- Gymnastics POPULĀRS
- Swimming equipment
- Beach football
- Beach volleyball
- Regby / American football
Bike accessories
- Bike locks
- Lights
- Mudguards
- Baby seats
- Cycling helmets
- Racks
- Baskets
- Tools
- Bike care products
- Pumps
- Gloves
- Eyewear
- Cycle computers
- Bicycle bags
- Bells
- Vests
- Bottles
- Bicycle cameras
- Bicycle tires
- Velo sēdekļi /pārvalki
- Velo rezerves daļas
- Velobraukšanas zeķes
- Pedāļi velosipēdiem
- Ķēdes velosipēdiem
- Brīvrumbas un kasetes velosipēdiem
- Electric bikes
- Kids bikes
Bike accessories
- Running
- Squash
- Tennis
- Water polo
- Athletics POPULĀRS
- Volleyball
- Winter sports JAUNUMI
- Other sports
- Cups and medals
- Training equipment
Cardio and weight equipment
- Treadmills
- Elliptical trainers
- Training bikes
- Rowing machines
- Spinning bikes
- Steppers
- Multifunctional centers
- Aqua trainers
- Kids fitness equipment
- Outdoor fitness equipment
- Flooring
- Accessories
- Strenght machines
- Other trainers
- Dumbbells ❚█══█❚
- Benches
- Barbells / Complects
- Plates / Weights
- Kettlebell
- Stands
- Weighted vests and cuffs
- Medicine balls
- Bulgarian bags
- Fitness gloves
- Svarcelšanas jostas
Fitness and training
- CrossFit IZLASE
- Espanders and fitness bands
- Reaxing Fitness
- Fitness sticks
- Aerobic Dumbbells JAUNUMI
- Fitness trampolines
- Fitness balls
- Masāžas riņķi/ Hula hoop
- Balance and coordination
- Massage rolls
- Slimming belts
- Pilates and Yoga inventory IZLASE
- Sling trainer systems JAUNUMI
- Arm / Leg weights
- Water bottles
- Stepa soli
- Storage stands
- Fitness mats
- Gymnastic rings
- Ropes
- Sports nutrition
Recreation and games
- Scooters
- Inline skates
- Transportation
- Skateboards
- Longboards
- Game tables
- Table games
- Darts
- Wooden toys JAUNUMI
- Montessori AKTUĀLI
- Magic tricks
- Izglītojošas spēles
- Games and sensory Bērnudārziem, Skolām
- Trampolines
- Novuss
- Swimming pool and accessories
- Backyard and outdoor games TOP
- Water sports
- Grili, kamīni, ugunskuri
- Garden Furniture
- Shelters
- Swings / Hammocks
- Puzles
- Children's playgrounds
- Stadium equipment
- Sports hall equipment
- Sports medicine
- Sportswear / shoes
- Tourism inventory
- Winter sports
- Outlet EN
In the quest for optimal health and well-being, many individuals turn to supplements to provide additional support for their bodies. One such supplement that has gained popularity in recent years is chondroitin. Derived from various animal sources such as sharks, cows, and pigs, chondroitin sulfate has been praised for its potential benefits in promoting joint health, reducing inflammation, and improving overall mobility. In this blog post, we will explore the science behind chondroitin and its potential benefits, so you can make an informed decision about whether it might be right for you.
What is glucosamine?
Glucosamine is a type of amino acid salt that contains glucose and an amino acid. It is the main component that forms the glucosamine resin found in the animal and human body. Glucosamine is responsible for the formation of connective tissue that makes up muscles, joints and skin. It also helps the body absorb and use minerals such as calcium and iron. Glucosamine may also help reduce joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.
ALL you need to know about collagen
The benefits of Ashwagandha root
5 Item(s)
Masāžas ierīcēm -40% atlaide 15 Dec 2024
How to choose a Rowing machine? Guide. 12 Jan 2024
Saņem dāvanas līdz Ziemassvētkiem! 11 Dec 2023
- Velotrenažieris
- rowing machine guide
- Chondroatin
- Glucosamine
- Collagen
- ashwagandha
- Kā izvēlēties guļammaisu?
- LĪGO2023
- Līgo svētki 2023
- Excersise bike benefits
- Jaunā gada apņemšanās
- Pool noodles hack
- DIY pool noodles candles
- DIY Halloween pool noodle decoration
- Hlorella
- chlorella
- spirulina
- smūtiju recepte
- Baseina nūdeles
- DIY pool noodels hack
- Helovīna dekorācija
- Halloween decorations
- Banāni
- receptes ar banāniem
- banānu uzturvielas
- banānu proteina receptes
- sporta receptes
- banāni uzturā
- vegānu receptes
- proteinu receptes
- veselīgas receptes
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- skolassoma
- mugursoma skolai
- kādu mugursomu pirkt
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- jogas bumba
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- treadmill
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- kā izvēlēties sporta veidu bērnam
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