Bērnu termoveļa sportam komplekts Meteor melna ( 128/134, 140-152cm) (IR VEiKALĀ)

Bērnu termoveļa sportam komplekts Meteor melna ( 128/134, 140-152cm) (IR VEiKALĀ)

Mēneša maksājums sākot no €5.94
As low as € 34.95 Regular Price € 40.00

Bērnu termoveļa sportam 128-134, 140-152cm 

73% poliamids
22% poliesters
5 % elastans
Availability:In stock
In the store - Mūkusalas Street 42E, Riga
SKU BS16680
- +


Meteor termoveļa, kas sastāv no krekla un garajām biksēm, ne tikai nodrošina bērnu aizsardzību pret aukstumu, bet arī nodrošina efektīvu liekā mitruma izvadīšanu, rūpējoties par komfortu dažādu fizisko aktivitāšu laikā.

Poliamīda izmantošana nodrošina izturību un nodilumizturību, poliesters garantē gaisa caurlaidību un ātru žūšanu, savukārt elastāna pievienošana nodrošina nepieciešamo elastību, ļaujot pilnībā pārvietoties. Šāda materiālu izvēle nozīmē, ka apakšveļa ne tikai efektīvi aizsargā pret aukstumu, bet arī nodrošina optimālu valkāšanas komfortu neatkarīgi no laika, kas tiek pavadīts spēlējoties vai aktīvi darbojoties ārā. Plakanas šuves nodrošina komfortu, samazinot berzes un diskomforta risku kustības laikā.

Turklāt materiāla vieglums un pielāgojamība nodrošina to, ka apakšveļa viegli pielāgojas mazuļa apstākļiem un aktivitātes stilam, vienlaikus saglabājot higiēnu, kavējot baktēriju un sēnīšu attīstību uz auduma virsmas. Maigi veidotais piegriezums, ņemot vērā anatomiju un pastiprinātas svīšanas un siltuma emisijas zonas, padara apakšveļu gandrīz nemanāmu bērnam, kas to valkā.

Pievēršot uzmanību detaļām, tika izmantotas gludas aproces un elpojoši ieliktņi, kas papildināja komfortu visu darbību laikā. Skrāpējamo etiķešu trūkums un iekšpusē uzšūta mazgāšanas instrukcija liecina par rūpēm par vissīkākajām detaļām, ar mērķi nodrošināt vislielāko komfortu mazajam lietotājam.


Nodrošiniet bērnam mājīgumu un siltumu vēsākās dienās, pateicoties termoveļai, kas apvieno funkcionalitāti ar komfortu:

Ādas aizsardzība – īpaši izstrādātas šķiedras aizsargā ādu no svīšanas un nodrošina komfortu, pateicoties elpojošajām un antibakteriālajām īpašībām.

Termiskais komforts – pateicoties siltuma saglabāšanas tehnoloģijai, termoveļa kļūst par neaizstājamu sabiedroto salnās dienās, saglabājot ķermeņa temperatūras stabilitāti.

Elastība un piegulēšana – rūpīgi atlasīti materiāli nodrošina izcilu piegulšanu un elastību, ļaujot veikt pilnu kustību diapazonu bez ierobežojumiem.

Kustību brīvība – elastīgās šķiedras un atbilstoši piegriezumi nodrošina to, ka termoveļa neierobežo kustības, veicinot brīvu izpēti un rotaļas.

Pielietojuma daudzpusība – termoveļa sevi pierādīs ne tikai ziemas āra rotaļās, bet arī rudens pastaigās vai vēsā pavasara rītā, nodrošinot būtisku aizsardzību pret aukstumu dažādās situācijās.


Meteor thermal underwear, composed of a shirt and long pants, not only provides children with protection against the cold but also ensures efficient elimination of excess moisture, taking care of comfort during various physical activities.

The use of polyamide ensures durability and resistance to abrasion, polyester guarantees breathability and quick drying, while the addition of elastane provides the necessary elasticity, allowing full freedom of movement. Such a selection of materials means that the underwear not only effectively protects against the cold but also ensures optimal wearing comfort, regardless of the intensity of time spent playing or being active outdoors. Flat seams add comfort, minimizing the risk of chafing and discomfort during movement.

What's more, the lightness and adaptability of the material mean that the underwear easily adapts to the conditions and activity style of the kid, while maintaining hygiene by inhibiting the development of bacteria and fungi on the fabric surface. The gently designed cut, taking into account anatomy and zones of increased sweating and heat emission, makes the underwear almost imperceptible to the child wearing it.

Paying attention to details, smooth cuffs and breathable inserts were used, adding comfort during all activities. The lack of scratching labels and a washing instruction sewn on the inside indicate care for the smallest details, with the aim of providing the greatest comfort to the little user.


Ensure coziness and warmth for your child on cooler days, thanks to thermal underwear that combines functionality with comfort:

Skin protection - specially designed fibers protect the skin from sweating and provide comfort thanks to breathable and antibacterial properties.

Thermal comfort - thanks to the heat retention technology, thermal underwear becomes an indispensable ally on frosty days, maintaining body temperature stability.

Elasticity and fit - carefully selected materials ensure excellent fit and elasticity, allowing a full range of motion without restrictions.

Freedom of movement - elastic fibers and appropriate cuts ensure that thermal underwear does not restrict movements, encouraging free exploration and play.

Versatility of applications - thermal underwear will prove itself not only during winter outdoor play but also during autumn walks or a chilly spring morning, providing essential protection against the cold in various situations.



Delivery info

You can contact us for a consultation about products technical information, delivery time or other questions. We wil answer during Balticsport office working hours.
  • Call us: +371 277-297-71
  • WhatsApp +371 277-297-71
  • e-mail us :

Office working hours:

Monday-Friday: 10.00-17:00;

Saturday-Sunday: Close




14 day return policy

You can return back online purchaised goods if they does not meet Your expectatons or does not match the description. The purchaised goods can not bee used by consumer. The goods can be returned by courer, parcel machine or left at our shop in Mūkusalas street 42E-A during working hours.

Receiving the goods in our office

Riga, Mūkusalas iela 42E - A entrance

Mon.-Sat: 10 am- 5 pm


When choosing this receiving method, on Your phone number You'll get an SMS when the goods will be ready for you to be collected.



 Delivery to OMNIVA parcel machine   

Mon.-Sat. 00.00-24.00

2.99 EUR -Latvia

6,99 EUR - Estonia, Lithuania

Delivery within 1 -2 buisness days

Important! When choosing this receiving method, you will need a phone number registrated in the Country where you are willing to receive your parcel, that is needed for receiving an SMS with parcel opening code.

Excample :LATVIA - +371********, ESTONIA - +372********, LITHUANIA - +370********


 Delivery by courier to the specified address  


Mon.-Sat. 9 am to 5 pm

5.90 EUR  - LATVIA  


*Other Countries -Delivery price on request


Delivery within 1 - 2 business days 







Payment Info

skaidra naudaCash

Pay with cash, when receiving your order:

- At office in Mūkusalas street 42E - A , Riga, LV1004,

Applied only to goods that are in the store on the spot - Mūkusalas Street 42E.

Items that must be ordered from the manufacturer are not covered by this feature.


***Prepayment in cash is possible when you come to the store in Mūkusalas Street 42E in Riga and pay for the goods you want to order.


   Internet bank

At the moment on the internet shop you can pay with: Swedbank, SEB, Luminor and Citadele internet banks.

How to pay an order via Internet Bank?

- Make an order and select your online bank in the «Payment method» section.

- redirects you to your internet bank page and will transfer paymet amount data to the Internetbank system. 


  Bank Transfer

When you place an order, your prepaid invoice is sent to your email.

The invoice is due for payment within 3 days of the invoice being sent.

Please, when making your order, specify the e-mail address you want to receive the invoice.


Payment of goods by leasing.

When making an order, use the leasing calculator to calculate approximate payments and choose the most suitable leasing offer for your needs.

In case you choose leasing, you can get the order at shop or by courier.







Warranty and returns

 All goods sold in the online store are guaranteed for 24 months.

Except where the manufacturer has specified a warranty period for the product.

The warranty term is the warranty period specified by the manufacturer of the goods and upon the termination of the warranty the customer is offered a repair.


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