Fizioterapijas inventārs
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Weight, kg: 8 kg
Weight, kg: 40 kg
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  1. Pildbumba  Wall ball 046BL
    Pildbumba Wall ball 046BL
    As low as € 47.00
  2. Medicine ball  1- 12 kg
    Medicine ball 1- 12 kg
    As low as € 21.90
  3. Medicine Ball TOORX AHF-181 8kg D23cm with handle
    Medicine Ball TOORX AHF-181 8kg D23cm with handle
    Special Price € 77.84 Regular Price € 97.30
  4. Slam ball AVENTO 42DK 8kg D23cm Black/grey
    Slam ball AVENTO 42DK 8kg D23cm Black/grey
    Special Price € 31.68 Regular Price € 39.60
  5. Gumijas Slam ball  pildbumba / crossfit pildbumba / Slam ball medball -dažādi svari
  6. Pildbumba/ Medicīnas bumba 1 -10kg
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